Make It Count!

Happy New Year Brunch loves!

This  year is already off to a fast start and I am as excited as a kid in a candy store.  One thing that is always on my to-do list for the new year is creating a Vision Board.  I have created a vision board every year for the past 11 years and I have seen amazing results.  I am a strong believer of seeing, believing and achieving and that motto has not failed me yet.

Another must do on my list is setting my intentions.  We’ve all heard of the book The Secret.  The book really didn’t say anything we haven’t heard before but it has served as a good reminder of the power of the tongue.  My intention this year is to Make It Count!  Every word, every action, every thing that I pursue; I have to make it count.  Life is like a vapor.  One minute it’s here the next it’s gone.  My intention is to make sure that I am not wasting the time that I am granted here on Earth.

I want every second of every minute of my life to count.  I want to use my gifts and talents to impact the life of every person I come in contact with.  I have dreams, goals and desires for myself and my family and I want to make sure that everything I do in one way or the other positively impacts what I am building.

What do  you see for yourself in 2019?  How do you plan on making this life count.  Don’t forget

Carpe Diem!

Always Clinking,

